SeeSnake® Reel Kickstand Accessory


SeeSnake® Reel Kickstand Accessory


The RIDGID® SeeSnake® Kickstand provides optimal, in-use, positions that enhance the feed/retractability experience and allow for simultaneous use of the CSx Via™ with microreel™, microdrain® and nanoreel® models. The reel is supported while tilting backward in an angled position or by making a few quick clicks, the kickstand can change form to function as a horizontal frame which elevates the reel from the surface area.

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  • For Use with CSx Via™ - Works with all SeeSnake® microreel™, microdrain® and nanoreel® models
  • Durable - Provides superior RIDGID® stability on various job sites
  • Versatile - Offers multiple custom, angled and flat position options for optimal use
  • Quick Click Set Up - Easy set up with audible click signaling a secure lock
  • Provides clearance for simultaneous use of the CSx Via™

Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description Weight
lb. kg
69758 Kickstand Accessory  0,8  1,74