Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrenches

Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrenches

Straight Pipe Wrenches have a sturdy, ductile-iron housing and an I-beam handle with a full floating forged hook jaw, featuring self-cleaning threads with replaceable hook and heel jaws.

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Ordering Information

Catalog Number Description Nom. Size Pipe Capacity Weight
in. mm in. mm lb. kg
31000 6" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  150  3/4  20  1/2  0,2 
31005 8" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  200  25  3/4  0,4 
31010 10" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  10  250  1 1/2  40  1 3/4  0,8 
31015 12" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  12  300  50  2 3/4  1,2 
31020 14" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  14  350  50  3 1/2  1,6 
31025 18" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  18  450  2 1/2  65  5 1/2  2,6 
31030 24" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  24  600  80  10  4,5 
31035 36" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  36  900  125  18 1/2  8,4 
31040 48" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  48  1.200  150  31  14,1 
31045 60" Heavy-Duty Straight Pipe Wrench  60  1.500  200  46 1/2  21,1